It’s summertime and one of the best summer activities to enjoy with your family is a picnic. Picnics are great because they are affordable and the whole family can get together to enjoy them.

As restrictions begin to ease and families begin to catch-up once more, picnics are the perfect option for your family to spend time together this summer. But, how do you keep your kids entertained during a family picnic?

Today, we will be exploring the best picnic activities to engage your kids this summer, so you can enjoy much-needed family time without stress!

  1. Bring out the bubbles!

Bubbles are an age-old family favourite that your kids will absolutely love. Bubbles offer a great option for sensory play, and you can use them to create other games like bubble hide and seek.

Bubbles are cheap and will keep your kids entertained for a while, which means the adults get time to catch-up. Plus, you can always bring extras to get the adults involved too. There are plenty of bubble varieties available on the market, such as ones that smell great and bubbles that don’t pop. Your family will enjoy playing bubbles together, and it’s affordable.

  1. Frisbee

Frisbee is a picnic game that is sure to get the heart pumping. Kids will love the challenge of having to throw and catch the frisbee, and parents can also get in on the fun.

Frisbee is great because the rules are simple and kids of all ages can enjoy this action-packed game. If you choose a picnic area with a lot of green spaces, there are plenty of opportunities for a frisbee competition to commence.

  1. Pass the water

This is the perfect summer picnic game. Pass the water involves transferring water from one bucket to another, however players can only use their hands to do this. Pass the water is pretty challenging because you have to pass the water to every single team member before putting it in the bucket.

This is a fun game that will get the kids soaked, so spare clothes may be a good idea. Pass the water will keep the kids engaged for a while, and is a lovely way to cool down during the summer.

  1. Scavenger Hunt

This one involves some pre-planning. Hide a bunch of items or treats around the picnic area and get the kids to work together to find them. This is an awesome way to keep the kids engaged and will allow you to enjoy some conversation uninterrupted.

  1. Backyard Cricket

Backyard cricket involves setting up some wickets and getting the kids to play a smaller version of the beloved cricket game. Your family can add their own unique rules as they see fit.

Backyard cricket is sure to get the heart racing and will be enjoyed by kids and dads alike. Mums, it’s a good idea to recommend this one if you want to enjoy some girl time.

Final Thoughts:

Summer picnics are awesome fun, and finding activities that keep your kids engaged will make them even more enjoyable. All of the above games are perfect for summer and will keep your kids entertained for ages.

Want to schedule some great summer fun activities for your kids? My Schedule Studio offers an intuitive, easy-to-use platform that makes booking in summer fun an absolute breeze. Join now to start planning the school holidays.



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