About us


Short List




Finding and Scheduling activities made easy.

Hello and welcome to My Schedule Studio!

My hope and plan is to give you the gift of time and peace of mind in just a few(ish) clicks J

I am a parent who always has a to-do list greater than the time to dedicate to it, which can be overwhelming at times.  With 3 youngish children I decided to add to my list and create a business to help people retain their sanity when managing multiple activities and potentially multiple people.  Initially focusing on kids activities as dealing with their activities will allow you time to do something for yourself and we will add that later.

At the moment I find searching for information about activities a laborious and hit and miss proposition and really crave something simple, quick and trustworthy.  I can’t find this and googling is time consuming and it is expensive to test different activities all the time.  So My Schedule Studio solves this problem.  Always have the information you need at hand, pay in one place, see what others have to say about it, renew for next term and never forget the next lesson (yes, I have loads of make-up lessons!). There are so many features and it’s simple to use.

I also love to support local and small businesses, providing local jobs and a sense of community.  The goal is to provide local businesses with a service and platform to be seen on an equal playing field and to show reviews by you, the people who actually attend.  It’s really great if you are starting school, moving schools or area’s or don’t know what’s available.  You or your child might be interested in a building hand-eye co-ordination – you can search here and the results may surprise you with a fabulous local business you didn’t know existed (archery anyone?).  That discovery is going to be wonderful and I can’t wait to hear all about them.

The future looks bright, I can’t wait to expand the offering to you – uniform exchange, gift cards (hello family, happy to receive a term of lessons!) and paying it forward.

My to-do list might be longer at the moment but I’m hoping that yours will shrink and that local businesses receive a boost.

Thank you for your time to read this and engage in the website, a local business will thank you!



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